Sunday, May 4, 2008

Toys and New Art

My husband bought a spear gun on our recent trip to Perth and used it successfully to catch three fish yesterday. With a spear gun you have to be extremely selective and only use it for fish you intend to eat.
Extreme James used his crayfish skills to get these crays for us.
John, Extreme James and The Terminator caught Gold Spot Trevally, Crimson Sea Perch, Golden Trevally, Spangled Emperor, Blue Bone, Rankin Cod, Coral Trout and of course, Spanish Mackerel! Most were catch and release. Lovely. No creations this weekend-yet!
Biriyani! Sheena and Extreme James

Curry Night
We got together for a ``Curry Night'' and feasted!!! Everyone brought a dish to share and it was some of the finest food I've ever tasted. I brought the Sam Special (Chicken Curry) and Pork Vindaloo, (Secret Family Recipe).

I made a little altered piece this arvo using some polymer clay, tin can, wire, wings etc.

1 comment:

  1. wow, these fish look HUUUGE and so unreal. you're sure they are not some altered art? hehe love the little piece you added, i spy a mucha woman, love it


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