Monday, December 6, 2010

A Little Painting

I had a go at painting after such a long time!!! It is a miniature and it could be a wip...there are some parts which I'm not happy with, but it's a start. lol


  1. OMGoodness! You paint as well! You are so talented Mrs Marshall!! I love your painting xxx Jane x

  2. Sam, good on you for giving it a crack! I used to paint full-time so I know how long and arduous it can be sometimes to get to the finish line! You've done a magnificent job and all you need to do now is add soem highlights and shadows to make it "pop" and you're done!
    Oh and thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! It's been an age since I posted; I've just been so darn busy. So it must feel like an age since you've heard from me too! Anyway, if I don't catch up before hand, have a lovely xmas in Oz!!

  3. Thanks for the advice Debrina!!!! Have a wonderful Christmas, too!!!

  4. I must say you are one talented gal. Seems you can do everything! Your painting is fabulous, Sam!

    Happy December my friend!

  5. This is a great painting,I love it. Please don't ever sell yourself short. It has lots character. Keep up the good work.

  6. Hi Sam, wanted to send along some wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Hugs, Gaby

  7. Warm Christmas wishes to you and yours! Health, Happiness and may all of your dreams come true for 2011!

    Hugs, Gaby

  8. Hello, Samantha! I was just blown away by your twisted wire jewelry. And your artwork--and all the creative things you do.

    So much so that I have featured your blog and artwork on FAT (Featured Art Tuesday) Artist Spotlight today. I hope you don't mind--I'm one of your newest fans!

    The link is

    Happy New Year!

  9. thank you so much for your compliments, sweets. :) you are a gem!!

    i LOVE your painting! i haven't painted in eons either. your painting is fabulous!

  10. I haven't been on your blog for a while (life has been a bit busy lately) but your creations are always inspiring, Sam. This painting is one of them.

  11. OH My this is awesome Sam...I just joined the craft council here and will do an acrylic painting course this year I hope.You did a great job yourself!!!


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