Sunday, December 22, 2013

Our New Home!

We made it back! I must say the weather is a VERY pleasant change:)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Goodbye Kununurra

The last six years have been amazing! It was wonderful to spend two years in Onslow and the last four in Kununurra. It was a very interesting experience seeing familiar faces from the past all grown up- a few of the children I taught became my colleagues. I met some absolutely lovely people.

Most of all I leave here with a sense of gratitude for my children. They have also had the opportunity to be taught by some really great teachers and enjoy experiences they may not have had in the city.
I am really looking forward to moving back to the city and getting back to creating art! I am also thrilled to be working at a great school next year.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's Been A While...

It has been such a long time since I've updated my blog and I don't really know why I've been in hiatus. Just busy with life, I suppose. We're on the move again and this time I aim to stay in the one spot for quite some time. We're off to Perth! I can't wait to be with all of my family again.

2013 marks a year of many milestones. This year marks our tenth year in Kununurra (-not in a row, I'm including our first stint). John and I celebrated our 20th year of marriage this year and our daughter Sarah turned 18.

I will be extremely sad to leave Kununurra and I've met some lovely people and reconnected with some beautiful friends from our past. A place like Kununurra gets into your blood and I know I will always feel a connection to this town as my second daughter, Jess, was born here. The move back to Perth will be especially difficult for her.

Having said all that I am looking forward to the next part of our journey, I guess you can feel when it is the right time to move on. Here's to 2014!