Saturday, January 22, 2011

Planes, trams and automobiles...

Helllo! I've just come back from a lovely break in Perth and Melbourne. Christmas was wonderful-it was lovely to catch up with the family and all the new babies. We then headed over to Melbourne and had the best dim sum. I've never been to Melbourne before, it's only taken me forty years, and it was a really interesting experience.We also have a new little addition-Bella, a german short-haired pointer.


  1. hi- i just noticed the john lennon quote at the upper right of your blog . . EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY IN THE END . . . i love that quote! in fact i recently finished an art piece titled THE END using children's wood blocks spelling out the words of this quote. quite fun.

    Bella is a beauty!

  2. thanks for stopping by by blog, did you see "The End"? i posted it a few weeks ago, Dec 25th.
    check it out, and let me know what you think.

  3. Glad you had fun Sam,Your girl are really beautiful.

  4. Hi Sam :) Just wanted to let you know that I chose your blog for an award. You can find it on this page of my blog -

    I do hope you'll accept :) TTYS.
    xxx Lynn


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